Did you know that you could be scrolling through Facebook, see a video for a few seconds, never turn the sound on, and Facebook still counts that as a view in the video’s marketing metrics?

This along with other common misinterpretations of data is what we’re diving into with today’s episode because I feel like we need to put some context around some marketing metrics–and why we should care about the right numbers, not the vanity ones.

Digital Dispatch website→ https://digitaldispatch.io
Instagram→ https://instagram.com/digidispatch
Blythe’s LinkedIn→ https://www.linkedin.com/in/blythebrum/

#marketing #analytics #b2bmarketing

About the Author

Blythe Brumleve
Blythe Brumleve
Creative entrepreneur in freight. Founder of Digital Dispatch and host of Everything is Logistics. Co-Founder at Jax Podcasters Unite. Board member of Transportation Marketing and Sales Association. Freightwaves on-air personality. Annoying Jaguars fan.

To read more about Blythe, check out her full bio here.